Friday, January 29, 2010

This is it! (and technology)

Well, this is it! The beginning of my future career. I have been going to school for almost 3 years and now I am finally in my practicum. I've been excited and fearful at the same time. Not afraid of what some of you may think though. I have substitute taught for a few years now so I wasn't nervous to be in the classroom. I was afraid of what my life would be like and wondered how I could be away from my little boy for so long. (He was used to me only going to school for a few hours a day.) It is as hectic as I feared. My son has bravely endured the past two weeks thanks to many bribes of new toys. He started at a new day care and wouldn't take his coat or boots off the entire day. He also wouldn't eat or use their bathroom. It's hard to be brave for your child when you are a mom. When he cries, I cry inside. But, he finally did it! He took off his coat on Thursday and ate lunch. Progress!!! As for my practicum, it is going well. I would like to be busier but I am learning a lot and I love the middle school students. That age group cracks me up. Technology was insightful this morning. I am really excited to use and thankful Utah has so many resources for teachers. I loved how it provided a template and you just plug in the information. Lesson plans will be so much easier now. I plan to start using it right away. We are so lucky to be teaching in the age of advanced technology.


  1. so you are doing practicum in a middle school? I think that age group is pretty funny too....old enough to cause mischief but young enough to not be mean spirited or to be able to control their behavior. So what else do you like about UEN? would you use wimba for example?

  2. I am glad to hear that even though you have kids you are still able to go back to school. But I feel for your little boy. That's got to be tough on you and him. I was thinking the same thing, I loved how planned out the program already was. I don't know if you had a chance to navigate the videos but those were great as well. Some I think could be really useful and the kids might find it more interesting and valuable than listening to me speak.
